A residency program for performing artsThis is an archived page. Please return to the main site.
This version of ISLAND CONNECT is a collaboration between BIRCA/Bækkelund International Residency Center for Artists placed on the island of Bornholm in Denmark and Sardegna Teatro – together with the local partner FuoriMargine – placed on Sardinia in Italy. We are looking for a Danish and an Italian group to participate jointly in the 2 residency periods on the 2 islands.
First period will take place at BIRCA on these dates: 14th to 27th August 2023
Second period will take place on Sardinia in the fall – times and facilities will be decided together with the 2 selected groups.

We are looking for groups up to 3 persons, who has some experience and are ready to expand and take advantage of the international possibilities this residency offers. The residency seeks to expand your current artistic practice through helping you to create new performance works and/or practices with a focus on the health of the planet.
The residency addresses interconnectivity through the ecology of environment, of social justice, of spirit and intellectual dimensions. By embracing the natural surroundings of Bornholm and Sardinia we want to create a vision for an ecological future that allows intersection, communication, generosity and sharing. We are looking for projects that wants to work in dialogue with nature/landscape, but also projects that wants to investigate the essence of island – what does it means to be islanders for all kind of inhabitants?
You will work on your own projects/practice at the same time as you are expected to enter into a dialogue with the other artistic group to share knowledge and perspectives. We are aiming to create a space of exchange based on care, trust and safety. We strive for equality and inclusion and encourage applications from men, women, queer and BIPOC.

Open Call for Residency Applications 2023
We ask the artists to end each residency period with a public work-in-progress showing to share thoughts and ideas discovered and get feedback.
Accommodation and access to a space will be covered and we will cover travel expenses and pay per diems of 20 €/150 DKK per day plus a fee of 1300€/10000 DKK. Read more about practical things at BIRCA here: https://www.birca.org/en/practical-information and of Sardegna Teatro, and FuoriMargine, here https://www.sardegnateatro.it/ , https://www.autunnodanza.it/
Send an application in through this website https://islandconnect.eu/apply before May 4th 2023 with a description of what you would like to do and why this residency suits you, attaching a CV or link to website etc.
The selection of artists will be done jointly between BIRCA and Sardegna Teatro and will be announced before 20th May.
Questions about all residencies should for Danish artists be directed to Susanne Danig susanne@birca.org and for Italian artists to info@sardegnateatro.it