Open Call #3 – Islander Focus Residency 2024

This open call is for one artist, who will be sent internationally to two separate residencies of two weeks each. These residencies may also include locations outside of the seven core partner countries which may only be to one location. 

This call is open to a wider field of artists beyond just the performing arts, such as writers, photographers, etc. or anyone who believes they can engage with the aforementioned theme of the project to produce new research or work. 

The artist will receive a fee of €600 per 2-week residency (€1200 total) and per diems of €50* (€1400 total). Accommodation and travel is provided.

The standard application requirements are listed below.

It is normally expected that all artists attend the Springlab, however due to the short notice of open call #3 in this first year of the project, we may make an exception if an artist cannot attend. Please specify in your application if you can or cannot attend.