We’re happy to announce the first two Open Calls for 2024 residencies.

Open Call #1 – Artistic Residency Exchange 2024

This call is open to artists or groups/companies of up to 3 artists. Each artist/group will receive 2 weeks of residency in their country of origin or domicile. They will then be sent to a partner country for a further 2 weeks of residency.  During these weeks of residency, they may share the space with another group of artists, to encourage networking and exchange.

This call is open to artists who have a performative element to their work or consider themselves to be in the performing arts.

Artists/companies will receive a total of €1200 per 2-week residency (€2400 total) regardless of group size, and per diems of €50* per person. Accommodation and travel is provided.


–    a written (250 words max.) or video (2 mins max) explanation of why you want to go to this particular residency centre/country

Open Call #2 – Co-Creation Residency 2024

This call is for 1 performing arts creator from each of our regions (except Denmark) to attend a joint co-creation residency on the island of Bornholm June 17th-23rd 2024. The residency will be hosted by BIRCA and facilitated by BIRCA’s director Susanne Danig in collaboration with Danish-based performance maker Ilon Lodewijks.

The focus of the call is artists in the performing arts field who want to work with the theme of island identity/insularity and want to develop ideas in a co-creative residency. We are interested in artists who have experience in working collaboratively and an interest in the aforementioned theme. You will be working closely with the other selected artists in a site-specific way and in dialogue with the surroundings (local population/environment) of Bornholm to investigate and develop ideas for future projects on these themes.

This call is open to a wider field of people working in the arts, and is not just for performers.

Each artist will be paid €800, per diems of €50 per day during the residency, and travel will be covered. BIRCA will provide accommodation and working space. See BIRCA website for more context: https://www.birca.org/en/.


– We select artists based on experience and ideas, but also to ensure we put together a diverse group of creators.